Mar 21, 2020
David Cooper’s article The Joy of Dogs inspired this conversation about our relationship with dogs. Uri tries to understand how Lindelani, and other South Africans in rural South Africa, relate to dogs and the shift in the nature of that relationship. They also explore the general relationship South Africans have...
Mar 14, 2020
Inspired by David Brooks’ The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake looking at the evolution of family structure and its history in Western societies. Uri and Lindelani talk about privacy, freedom, space and family in rural South Africa. The conversation inevitably takes a philosophical turn, examining how we define family,...
Mar 7, 2020
A discussion inspired by Zhang Feng’s Back To The Cash Age. Uri and Lindelani talk about the changing nature of financial transactions and money in South Africa and China. The discussion takes them to an interesting place: a look at South Africa’s innovative solutions to banking challenges (a popular one involves...